Build 200 (Version 8.00) � 27 February 2009:
* Fixed my v7.51 bug: swapping to hard disk would crash
* SET {the switch character}{any character}={value string} now works
* REN /N now returns an error if the target filename already exists
* Added SETERROR command
* Added ATTRIB /N option
* Added @ISLOWER and @ISUPPER functions
* Updated help file for the above changes and updated "Keywords" page
Build 199 (Version 7.99) � 29 December 2008:
* No _CPUSPEED crash on early 586 if RDTSC not emulated by EMM386
* _CPUSPEED now returns a much more consistent value under W9x/ME
* _CPUSPEED now works even if the CPU has no TSC (i.e. 8086-486), and
* _CPU and _NDP now return much more detailed info if no brand string
thanks to the CPU/FPU detection library by Vladimir M. Zakharychev
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 198 (Version 7.98) � 19 December 2008:
* Fixed my 7.92 bug: if the Int 67h vector was 0, _VCPI would crash
* Mouse functions would no longer crash on old PCs if no mouse driver
* Added @COM function and _SBDSP internal variable
* _VIDEO now returns "svga" if a VESA SuperVGA BIOS is present
* Updated help file for the above changes and updated "Keywords" page
Build 197 (Version 7.97) � 12 December 2008:
* _DRIVES and _LASTDISK now return correct results in PTS-DOS
* 4DOS now honours the NO_SEP environment variable
* Added _VDS internal variable
* Updated help file for the above changes and updated "Keywords" page
Build 196 (Version 7.96) � 1 December 2008:
* Added REBOOT /M(onitor off) and /S(uspend) options
* Added @CODEPAGE function and _POWER variable
* Updated help file for the above changes and updated "Keywords" page
Build 195 (Version 7.95) � 24 November 2008:
* Now LIST /X /T"xy zt..." searches for the hex sequence "xy zt..."
* Added @CLUSTSIZE and @HDDSIZE functions
* Updated help file for the above changes and updated "Keywords" page
* Slightly edited _4INST.BTM and INTRO.TXT
Build 194 (Version 7.94) � 18 November 2008:
* Changed box shadow foreground from low intensity white to dark grey
* Added @DDCSTR function
* Added _MACHINE, _NETWORK, _NLSFUNC and _SHARE variables
* Updated help file for the above changes and updated "Keywords" page
Build 193 (Version 7.93) � 7 November 2008:
* Revised and somewhat shortened the INTRO.TXT file (also by Klaus)
* _4INST.BTM heavily modified; now searched for in the 4DOS directory
* Jaelani fixed KSTACK 7.9 conditional load (allocation strategy) bug
* Fixed all warnings but 1, muted OW source warnings, quietened build
* Updated BATCOMP to version 7.5 which has /E(ncryption) switch added
* Added _FONTPAGE internal variable
* Updated help file for the above changes and updated "Keywords" page
Build 192 (Version 7.92) � 31 October 2008:
* The installer batch file cleaned up and greatly simplified by Klaus
* ALIAS, FUNCTION and SET now accept wildcards in display mode
* Added /U(ninstall) option to KSTACK (plus optimisation) by Jaelani
* Added @FSTYPE function and _KEYSTACKED and _VCPI variables
* Updated help file for the above changes, incl. Glossary and Keywords
Build 191 (Version 7.91) � 27 October 2008:
* Fixed my v7.86 bug: cursor was lost after running LIST in batch file
* Added COUNTRY command
* Updated help file for the above change and updated "Keywords" page
Build 190 (Version 7.90) � 20 October 2008:
* Fixed my v7.89 bug: Shift-TAB didn't act as F8 on auto-completion
* Fixed my v7.89 bug: LIST search highlighted text past right margin
* _READY now works under DR-DOS for CD-/DVD-drives
* HELPCFG can now be built from source thanks to Jaelani's EDISCRN.INC
* Added IDLE command (DR-DOS-only)
* Updated help file for the above change and updated "Keywords" page
Build 189 (Version 7.89) � 16 October 2008:
* Fixed my bug where if no TZ was set, time zone info was garbage
* TYPE without /L, /P or redirection can now show Mac OS 9 text files
* LIST hex search result now highlighted across byte 8 & 9 of the row
* LIST hex search in hex mode highlights no text results & vice-versa
Build 188 (Version 7.88) � 12 October 2008:
* Added hex input format for SETDOS /C, /E and /P, @CHAR and @FILEWRITEB
(others accept it too but it's unusual for them)
* Added =X hex output format with a leading 0x for @EVAL
* Added TRANSIENT command
* Updated help file for the above changes and updated "Keywords" page
Build 187 (Version 7.87) � 10 October 2008:
* Fixed my bug causing DELAY /M and _CPUSPEED sporadic hang-up
* _WINTICKS now works on 8086-286 too
* TIMER accuracy now 10 ms on 8086-286 too (but still not under OS/2)
* TITLEPROMPT now works under OS/2 too
* Added TITLE command
* Updated help file for the above changes and updated "Keywords" page
Build 186 (Version 7.86) � 6 October 2008:
* Hid LIST cursor
* Updated help file for the above change and updated "Keywords" page
Build 185 (Version 7.85) � 26 September 2008:
* All date options, arguments and date input can be ISO ordinal date
* _WINTITLE now works also under W9x/ME
* Added _STARTPATH internal variable
* Updated help file for the above changes and updated "Keywords" page
Build 184 (Version 7.84) � 24 September 2008:
* Added stack size monitoring to batch debugger window title
* Added ISO ordinal date format 6 to @AGEDATE, @DATECONV, @FILEDATE and @MAKEDATE
* Added _ISORDATE and _WINTICKS internal variables
* Added @DIRSTACK and @SIMILAR functions
* Updated help file for the above changes and corrected DIRS directionBuild 185 (Version 7.85) � 26 September 2008:
* All date options, arguments and date input can be ISO ordinal date
* _WINTITLE now works also under W9x/ME
* Added _STARTPATH internal variable
* Updated help file for the above changes and updated "Keywords" page
Build 183 (Version 7.83) � 22 September 2008:
* Avoid diskette swap prompt for _READY if B: is a "phantom floppy"
* Added @COMPARE, @LCS and @REVERSE functions
* Updated help file for the above change
Build 182 (Version 7.82) � 19 September 2008:
* Fixed my v7.81 @DATE bug: wrongly used ISO week year to sum days
* SETDOS /C, /E and /P now accept ASCII code as numeric argument
* Added PROMPT $A to show ampersand and $K to show ISO week date
* Added _HDRIVES internal variable
* Added @CEILING, @DRIVETYPE and @FLOOR functions
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 181 (Version 7.81) � 17 September 2008:
* Prevented buffer overflow if @INSERT strings too long
* Made stricter and united all day-of-year/days-since-1980 code
* DATE/TIME prompt date/time separators made country-specific
* Added _CDROMS, _DRIVES, _ISOWYEAR and _READY variables and
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 180 (Version 7.80) � 14 September 2008:
* INKEY /W no longer loads the CPU in W9x/ME and DesqView
* Added _ININAME and _TICK variables
and @ISXDIGIT functions
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 179 (Version 7.79) � 11 September 2008:
* Last LIST search text is now default for new search in same mode
* Added _BATCHTYPE, _BDEBUGGER, _CMDSPEC and _V86 variables
* Added @QUOTE and @UNQUOTE functions
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 178 (Version 7.78) � 8 September 2008:
* Fixed my year increment/decrement bug on ISO week date output
* The keystroke terminating DELAY /B is no longer shown
* Non-repeated seed value period increased from 1 month to 1 year
* Added _TSC and _CPUSPEED variables
* Added TIMER /Q(uiet) option
* TIMER accuracy improved from 55 to 10 ms but on 8086-286 or OS/2
* Accuracy of DELAY /M improved from 55 to 1 ms (32 ms under OS/2)
* Updated and amended help file for DELAY, TIMER, _TSC, _CPUSPEED
Build 177 (Version 7.77) � 31 August 2008:
* All date options, arguments and date input can now be ISO week date
* Added ISO week date format 5 to @AGEDATE,@FILEDATE,@MAKEDATE
* Added _ISOWDATE internal variable
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 176 (Version 7.76) � 29 August 2008:
* Added MOD as an equivalent to the %% operator of @EVAL
* Added @ISODOWI,@ISOWEEK functions & _ISODOWI,_ISOWEEK vars
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 175 (Version 7.75) � 24 August 2008:
* GOSUB variables containing the switch character are now accepted
* Prompt is now on the first, not the second row after screen cleared
* Added SET /E option (set local environment too if /M also specified)
* Added @AVERAGE function and _SYSREQ variable
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 174 (Version 7.74) � 12 August 2008:
* History log no longer contains the line "AUTOEXEC"
* Added @FILEREADB function
* If length = �1, @FILEWRITEB input data is series of ASCII values
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 173 (Version 7.73) � 4 August 2008:
* Correct extended memory size even if > 64M in MEMORY & @EXTENDED
(NOTE: It's size of all extended memory regardless of XMS managers.)
* Added @SMBSTR function
* Updated help file for the above changes
4INST Changes on 23 July 2008
Allowed installation in 4DOS 7.65+ where _DOS is not always "DOS".
4HELP Changes on 16 and 21 July 2008
Maximum number of cross-references per topic set to 512 (was 128).
As BP7 "Intr" self-modifying code fails in JPC, now TP5.5 can build it
Build 172 (Version 7.72) � 15 July 2008:
* SETDOS /W now works under MS-DOS/PC DOS 5.0+ and W9x/ME
* Replaced the @RANDOM LCG with Xorshift7 (period = 2256�1)
* Added @LTRIM, @RTRIM and @TRUNCATE functions
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 171 (Version 7.71) � 10 July 2008:
* Fixed a bug in LIST search results highlighting, obvious in hex mode
* Enabled SETDOS /X[+|-]9 to enable / disable user-defined functions
* Added _EDITMODE and _EXPANSION variables
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 170 (Version 7.70) � 9 July 2008:
* Fixed a bug in LIST where bottom line repeats on 1-line scroll down if a
higher line ended at the right margin (DOS text files only)
* Fixed a LIST header percentage display overflow bug for big files
* Holding Shift with F or Ctrl-F in LIST now matches search case
* Added a /N (line numbers) option to LIST
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 169 (Version 7.69) � 4 July 2008:
* Fixed the title of the reverse find (Ctrl-F) window in LIST
* Added @SHA1 function and _STDIN, _STDOUT and _STDERR variables
* Updated help file for the above change
Build 168 (Version 7.68) � 1 July 2008:
* _CPU now set to processor brand string if supported by the CPU
* REBOOT /P now works in W9x/ME even if PM APM interface engaged
* Update help file for the above changes, added a W9x/ME warning
Build 167 (Version 7.67) � 29 June 2008:
* TYPE without /L, /P or redirection now shows UNIX text files right
* REBOOT now works under OS/2, Windows 9x/ME and QEMM Stealth ROM
* Added _EXECSTR internal variable
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 166 (Version 7.66) � 23 June 2008:
* Warm REBOOT now honours EMM's Int 19h "hook" or jumps to F000:E05B
* SHIFT switch character no longer hard-coded to '/'
* _DOS now available also with 4DOS /C
Build 165 (Version 7.65) � 11 June 2008:
* The Shell sort of directories replaced with the much faster heapsort
* Internal variable _DOS now reflects actual running operating system
* Added _LALT, _LCTRL, _RALT, _RCTRL internal variables
* Updated help file for the above changes
4HELP Changes on 31 May 2008
In VESA text video-modes with over 80 columns, BP7 no longer resets the
video-mode on start or blanks the screen on exit (invoked by F1).
Build 164 (Version 7.64) � 26 May 2008:
* If the string has a leading separator, the word or field index is
negative and its absolute value is equal to the number of words (fields),
@WORD and @FIELD no longer return the whole string
* @WORD[S], @FIELD[S] no longer ignore leading space(s) in string
* TOUCH /R or /T now set file seconds properly without halving them
* LIST now shows also seconds and 4-digit year in its file info box
* Added EQC (case-sensitive) comparison operator
* Updated help file for the above change
Build 163 (Version 7.63) � 3 May 2008:
* If EditMode is not Init*, cursor shape is now reset on hitting Enter
* "Warm" REBOOT in DOS now also pulses RESET pin on ATs (still "warm")
* If InstallPath is not set, OPTION can now invoke 4HELP
Build 162 (Version 7.62) � 25 April 2008:
* The prompt after a CLS now goes to the first, not the second line
* As in COMMAND.COM, /K now suppresses the signon messages like /C (Note:
As IO.SYS 7.x appends "/D /K AUTOEXEC" or "/K NETSTART" to the SHELL=
line, add a colon after the "K" to "mute" the signon.)
Build 161 (Version 7.61) � 28 January 2008:
* Correctly show the minor version number of OS/2 Warp 4.x
* Correctly show X-DOS version and avoid NLS separator corruption in it
* Recognise Wendin-DOS (rus as 4DOS.EXE; some commands fail there)
Build 160 (Version 7.60) � 28 December 2007:
* Auto-completion and SELECT now support filenames containing backquotes
* HEAD/TAIL /V option header now always starts on new line if /C used
* Return value of @FILEWRITE now equals the number of bytes written
Build 159 (Version 7.59) � 27 October 2007:
* Wildcard matches include all LFNs containing bracket characters ([])
* Added @MD5 function for files using the RSA algorithm from RFC 1321
* Updated help file for the above change
CODE.DIF changes on 3 October 2007:
* Integrated the changes by Michal Necasek for Open Watcom C
* Changes allowing 4DOS build will appear in Open Watcom C version 1.8
* VC 1.5x still builds a 100% identical executable file (same as build
Build 158 (Version 7.58) � 15 September 2007:
* Direct screen output now works in monochrome video modes too
* Amended sign-on message with information about 4DOS patches
* Re-enabled the MOVE /W(ipe) option
Build 157 (Version 7.57) � 27 July 2007:
* Auto-completion of file names with many dots works in DOSLFN as in W9x
* Creation / access times can now be TOUCHed in DOSLFN, not only in W9x
* SELECT /X now works in DOSLFN too, not only in W9x
* Fixed possible pointer underflow if @WORD and @FIELD count backwards
* @WORD and @FIELD no longer return whole string if it has leading space
* Added @FIELDS function
* Updated help file for the above change
Build 156 (Version 7.56) � 25 June 2007:
* Show zero creation or access times in DOSLFN the same way as in W9x
* Added _DATETIME and _MONTHF variables
* Added @AGEDATE and @MONTHF functions
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 155 (Version 7.55) � 14 May 2007:
* Show proper CD/DVD-ROM disk space in raw DOS; fixes DIR in PCDOS7.1
* Avoid false detection of MS-DOS 7 (MSDOS7 variable) in case of FreeDOS
* DIR /2 /X in Windows now looks like in DOS and doesn't reach column 80
* VER /R now displays also build date
Build 154 (Version 7.54) � 20 April 2007:
* Added message.* to global header dependency
* Added high-level @EMS function code (was missing in original sources)
* Added _alt,_capslock,_ctrl,_lshift,_numlock,_rshift,_scrolllock,_shift
* Updated help file for the above change
Build 153 (Version 7.53) � 15 February 2007:
* Recognise LZ-DOS, RXDOS, DOS-ROM and S/DOS
* The "Marked" message of SELECT no longer shifts even on largest files
* 8.3 file size over 1 GB no longer misaligns DIR, TREE or SELECT output
* Updated help for the above (maximal non-wrap description size now 39)
Build 152 (Version 7.52) � 4 February 2007:
* Correctly process the "invalid disk change" code during critical error
* Irrelevant error codes in critical error converted to "general failure"
* Added a /L(ine offset) option to LIST
* Updated help file for the above change
Build 151 (Version 7.51) � 31 January 2007:
* For Novell DOS and DR-DOS 7.x-8.0, show the right DOS version
* For hard errors, show operation and drive; accept only allowed actions
* DOS error messages amended and edited to clarify and remove duplicates
* Updated help file for the above change
Build 150 � 25 January 2007:
* Fixed the "Lock violation on COPY from remote drive without SHARE" bug
* Worked around a bug (in MSVCRT?!) leaving high byte of _doserrno != 0
* VER_MINOR = VER_BUILD - 100 from now on (version 7.51 = build 151)
Build 149 � 18 January 2007:
* Fixed the "DIR [PATH] finds no files in DOS LFN volumes" bug
* An * instead of *.* default wildcard is now used for DOS LFN volumes
* FFIND /U (summary only) option can now be evaluated by @EXECSTR
* FFIND and LIST search can now be interrupted with Ctrl-C
4HELP Changes on 15 January 2007
4HELP now supports mouse wheel (As for 4DOS, a driver that supports wheel
is needed, e.g. Cute Mouse 2.x; the W9x driver does not support wheel for
the DOS mouse API.)
Build 148 � 10 January 2007:
* LIST, SELECT and command history window now support mouse wheel (Note: A
driver that supports wheel is needed, e.g. Cute Mouse 2.x)
* The right mouse button now exits LIST and SELECT
Build 147 � 8 January 2007:
* Fixed command line buffer overflow when repeatedly pressing F12
* Added hexadecimal output option to @EVAL
* Updated help file for the above change
Build 146 � 7 January 2007:
* Fixed command line buffer overflow and path search name underflow bug
* Added new @CWD and @CWDS functions
* Updated help file for the above change
Build 145 � 6 January 2007:
* @READY now equals the inverted "no disk in drive" bit for CD-ROMs
* Added new EJECTMEDIA and CLOSETRAY commands
* Updated help file for the above change
Build 144 � 30 December 2006:
* Added a /V(erbose) option to TYPE to show a header for each file
* Added a /P(ower off) option to REBOOT to shut the system down
* REBOOT now flushes SMARTDRV cache before reboot or power off
* Updated help file for the above changes
Build 143 � 29 December 2006:
* /P page prompts are now overwritten like DR-/PTS-DOS COMMAND.COM
* Restored DOS version 2.x compatibility of 4DOS.COM, lost in v6
* 4DOS.COM now aborts on attempt to run it in DOS version 1.x
Build 142 � 26 December 2006:
* Restored 8086/8088 (PC/XT, Pravetz-16, etc.) compatibility, lost in v6
* Added compatibility information about CADStar PCB in the help file
* Added @SERIAL function; help file updated for it too
Build 141 � 24 December 2006:
* Added GB units to file size ranges, @DISK* and @FILESIZE functions
* DIR /4 now shows size of files over 1 GB with precision of 0.1 GB
* Added information about the above features in the help file
Build 140 � 22 December 2006:
* For Pentium 4 and up, _CPU now returns 786
* Removed the @READY warning from 4DOS.HLP and added 786 info to it
* Added build.h dependency for expand, removed shareware dependencies
Build 139 � 21 December 2006:
* Recognise Datalight ROM-DOS
* Can now load in upper memory in PTS-DOS
* @READY now works properly in PTS-DOS
Build 138 � 19 December 2006:
* @READY now works more reliably with CD-ROM drives
* Removed unused modules "batcomp" and "parspath" from 4DOS.LNK
* INTVER = VER_BUILD again, now OPTION.EXE patched on each build
Build 137 � 17 December 2006:
* Re-enabled _4INST.BTM (self-installer) support
* Added the installer files from version 6.02 (1999) to the archive
* 4DOS.HLP replaced by extended and updated version by Charles Dye
Build 136 � 15 December 2006:
* Process the DR-DOS F5/F8 startup keystrokes too
* Fixed the "%* affected by the SHIFT command" bug
* Removed the unused (non-4DOS and shareware) error messages
Build 135 � 13 December 2006:
* No longer mistake DR-DOS 7.0x for Novell DOS
* Recognise PC DOS, FreeDOS, PTS-DOS and DR-DOS 7.03
* Fixed the "DIR /F and DIR /B /S disable colourisation" bug
Build 134 � 9 December 2006:
* Batch debugger now refuses to load batch files over the 64 KB size limit
* Fixed the "total @FILESIZE roll-over at 4 GB" bug
* Fixed the "DESCRIBE loses third-party info" bug
Build 133 � 7 December 2006:
* Properly show FAT32 drive space in MS/PC/LZ/EDR/PTS/ROM/FreeDOS
* Properly show free XMS memory in the MEMORY command if > 64 MB
* Re-enabled the /Y single-stepping option that was disabled in 2003
* Fixed the "SET /M not upper-casing master environment variables" bug
* Fixed the "RD not removing hidden and system sub-directories" bug
* Fixed the C4018 "signed/unsigned mismatch" C compiler warnings
* Reverted INTVER from 131 to 130 to make OPTION compatible