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Bernd Schneider's Batches |
On this page I have collected the (mostly) game batches of Bernd Schneider. Bernd suddenly appeared out of nowhere (for me :-) ) and sent me a bunch of amazing batches, mostly games I wouldn�t have dreamed to write in 4DOS.
Further games have their origin in my needling him to try his hand on games I thought would be impossible to do in 4DOS, e. g. Hanoi, Solitaire, Sokoban.
I�ve heard him mumbling about a better chess batch, so I won�t be overly surprised if he produces a chess batch to challenge IBM�s Deep Thought next. If he could find it in him to write a few comments and institute some kind of version control to make my life easier ...
Bernd writes his btms exclusivly in 4DOS (and in caps and with a 01-01-93 date. Don�t ask me why!). That means 4NT users have to adapt a few things (mostly DOS pipes to temp files, sometimes character probs due to Unicode).
Bernd�s internet access is rather limited, b.t.w., so I do this collection for him pro temp.
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Some updates to files from my 4XBTM collection by Bernd:
Quoted here are some of Bernd's (german)) comments to his latest versions above:
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