DOS (all flavours)
This is my links farm for general "vanilla" DOS and batch programming
related material: Usenet groups, file collections, personal web pages and
related programs...
Listings are mostly in alphabetical order, no ranking intended.
that seem to be dead. |
DOS Batch related Magazines
Timeless Computing Magazine
is a new (July 2010)print magazine that focuses on
older PCs and relevant operating systems, including DOS and PC/GEOS
DOS Batch Basics
Some foundation laying first:
DOS is the starting
point today for most questions. this deals with DOS in all flavours and
supercedes most other links here.
Wikipedia other
Info about other Operating Systems
MS-DOS: a definition
FOLDOC (Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing) definition... :-)
MS-DOS Summary
What is DOS? Memory map, books...
MS-DOS Version Info
Short MS-DOS Version history
Microsoft has stopped supporting DOS and taken most pages,
tools and knowledge base articles off their servers. On this page,
you can search the few remaining KB articles dealing in some way with DOS.
Books about DOS
List of available books about DOS from Amazon.
Books about Win CL
List of books about the Windows command line
Neal Stephenson In the beginning was the command line,
by Neal Stephenson. Download
DOS Batch Newsgroups
good place to get help by knowledgeable people is the Usenet. Here are many
DOS- and batch-related newsgroups, and people are glad to help as long as
you post your question in the relevant newsgroup. Note that
Google Groups
allows you to read all Usenet groups and older messages in case they are not
found on your provider's news server.
Usenet can be a lively place, so be prepared: a necessary resource not to be
without here is found at
Warriors Home and Andrew Heenan's
Guide to
Flaming. Also take a look
at the
File if unsure about the slang being used.
There are a few Internet forums, too, and mailing lists:
DOS Batch Help Sites
German batch tutorial and info
Batch f. Einsteiger
German tutorial: BATCH für Einsteiger, erschienen im FIDO-Echo
BATCH.GER, 1994 by Horst Schaeffer
Lots of DOS apps and tools.
Microcomputer and DOS Tutorial by Computer Knowledge
Compulink Support
List of DOS error codes and their meaning. Another good
source is here.
Computer Hope DOS
command help,
batch file
info and batch help, a very complete and useful site by Computer Hope
Computing Net Still
DOS help forum.
Dynamic Directory
Extensive link list for DOS in general,
batch questions, FAQs, tutorials etc. Search for "DOS". By MaximumEdge
DOS command help, active
forum. By Everett Murdock
FAQTS is not very useful any
longer for DOS topics.
DOS command help. Sparse.
German site: tips and tricks, programs,
IDEs and more for DOS and Windows. By Stephen Großklaß and Daniel Hauke,
last updated 2001
Kilowatt Software
offers Poof (135 command line utils) and more. Go and see!
has a Batch File Command Reference for Windows 2000. They
want you to register first :-(
Lame Industries
has a lot of tutorials. Relevant here are
DOS Tutorial and
A Power User's DOS. At this time only reachable through the Wayback
Machine, but promising to be back...
The Linux Documentation Project has a few tips for
"Converting DOS Batch Files to Shell Scripts". - by Mendel Cooper
DOS tutorials. Not very useful any longer.
MS on using batch files under Win XP. A XP command line reference from
A-Z is
here, additional commands for Windows Server 2003 are
- MUF17
Microsoft's Undocumented "Features", a Batpower
generated list, and other useful DOS information in these collections.
DOS command reference, history, tools...
Open Directory
Extensive link list for
DOS in general, batch questions, FAQs, tutorials etc.
DOS utilities, tools and command help for people who are new
to computing and would like to gain some knowledge of command line
functions and the ability to create batch files for DOS and Windows based
A guide to Windows XP CMD commands, also Powershell, BASH, Oracle 8i and
SQL Server. - by Simon Sheppard
Technet Archive Microsoft Technet Archive, for older contents that is still
of interest to some users... Articles and downloads.
Links to several good DOS batch tutorials.
The Useful Site
DOS help, utils, links. Gone, see
DOS Batch FAQs
Antonis' FAQs
Seven german DOS and Batch tutorials plus batch examples
Download the official BatchFAQ from the FIDO BATPOWER echo.
T. Salmi's BATFAQ
Prof. T. Salmi's BatFAQ is
often referred to in the alt.masdos.batch usenet group. Many batch, Pascal
and AWK solutions for batch problems. Each new version has a new name, so
download from the ftp site, look for TSBAT??.zip. See my 4DOS FAQ answer
to this here.
Programmers FAQ
Huge 5-part FAQ with code, sources and links for all aspects of DOS life
from the usenet group alt.msdos.programmers
Another DOS FAQ by Christoph Fuchs
Links to several FAQs and comparisons. Not available?
Windows IT Pro FAQs
Lots of batch and scripting related FAQs by John Savill
Win32 Scripting
FAQs, COM objects, scripts for all flavours of Win32 scripting. Nicely
designed site! By C. Washington (?)
Batch and DOS Related File Collections
These links are by what seems
to be mostly company sites...
BBS Files FIDO and
freeware files of the old Fido BBSs (Bulletin Board
BFDS Files
FIDO Batch File Distribution System: lots of batch utils and tools
collected by the time-honored FIDO Batchpower group.
CNET DOS Downloads
Mainly demos of old DOS games now.
Interesting collection of DOS software, with a few german
German site with a collection of interesting shareware and
freeware tools
A mirror of the SAC FTP server.
Collection of useful utilities. This one´s from Hungary.
FAQS.ORG Immense list of anonymous FTP sites with content descriptions. Try
this if all else fails :-)
Garbo PC collection One
of the biggest and most useful PC file collections at the university of
Goodie Domain Service Open Source Software collection.
Batch helpers, network tools, character table tools...
(German page)
Good link collection for DOS and batching with much overlap
to this site :-)
The National Federation of the Blind has a huge file
collection of interest not only to the blind.
DOS Freeware and batch utilities.
DOS Resources download at the
Oldfiles Network
Pricelessware The best of the best in Freeware as determined by the
readers of alt.comp.freeware with a few DOS progs. No longer maintained.
Rinet FTP Server
Huge repository of useful DOS progs and games in the msdos/
Simtel collection
Another huge and venerable collection of DOS freeware and batch
utilities. Sadly Simtel has become very slow and riddled with ads. Much
more useful and faster is access via
mirror of their
FTP server.
Reviews, descriptions, links to 1000+ DOS programs (no games). Freeware
and free-for-private-use shareware listed. See
here for still more DOS programs.
Slovak Antivir C.
Homepage of the Slovak Antivirus
Center (SAC), non-commercial project of AVIR and ESET companies. You can
find here the latest shareware and freeware programs from the collection
on the SAC FTP server.
Personal Homepages
...while these links seem to be mostly by interested individuals. The
distinction isn't always easy and may be in error in some cases. This
section has the most dropouts, not so surprisingly.
Web Rings
Webrings were a fad for a time, but not any
longer. Small wonder some seem to be in disrepair...
DOS Internet Webring
Off-topic sites, broken links...
DOS Games Ring
This webring claims to contain the best sites about DOS
games. Includes 16 sites.
This ring is not for a special DOS like FreeDOS or DR-DOS,
it's for all DOS - related sites out in the web. Includes 41 sites.
Fidonet is the first and largest amateur dialup BBS network
in the world! The Fidonet webring is open to active Fidonet sysops listed
in the nodelist, points, ans BBS software authors and support sites. Sites
must contain directly relevant Fidonet or BBS information. Includes 46
Abandonware Ring
Good place to start looking for that old game or app you
remember from way back. Includes 57 sites.
Oldfiles Network
Collection of old DOS, Windows and PC sites, e. g.
Lightspeeds reference page.
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