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ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³FILES INCLUDED ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ============================================================================ New in 4XBTM Version 5.0 ============================================================================ XTCALC.BTM Running tape calculator with the usual four algebraic functions, memory, square root, and more ... XLPLUS.BTM XLIST enhanced by the ability to edit, copy, move, rename, delete files and view archives thanks to Anthony Williams. XTIMEX.BTM A screen clock showing time the good old analog way. Shows date and alarm time and allows timed program starts. XCLOCK.BTM A screen clock showing time the good old analog way. Shows date and optional alarm time (same as above( without timed prog execution) XREMIND.BTM Utility to remind you of birthdays and other holidays. XTODO.BTM Utility to maintain a simple TODO List. XASCII.BTM Ascii Table with option to copy a character to a key XREKEY.BTM Reassign any assignable key with any text. XHVMENU.BTM A complete and easily customized horizontal menu with drop down vertical menus. Cursor controlled scrollbar, hotkeys and memory are features of this menu system. You can use this to implement a nice user interface for your batches. XVMENU.BTM A vertical menu with the same characteristics found in XHVMENU. Use this to start your programs. XHMENU.BTM A horizontal menu with the same characteristics found in XHVMENU. Use this to start your programs. XCOLOR.BTM Show COLOR. Shows all 256 available color combinations under 4DOS. This is an adaptation of a batch by Mike Bessy. XSETDEV.BTM Find and SET DEVice and TSR names and put them into 4DOS compatible environment variables. XWINCOMP.BTM A utility to track the changes made by a WINDOWS progra mm to your WINDOWS and SYSTEM directories, your INI files a nd CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT XROMAN.BTM A utility to convert decimal numbers to their rom an counterpart or vice versa. XNCONV.BTM Utility to convert between decimal, hexadecimal and bina ry integers. XCHKEXE.BTM Determines the Operating Sytem under which an .EXE file is supposed to run. XBL5.BTM New screen blankers for XAD XBL6.BTM XBL7.BTM ============================================================================ Present in earlier 4XBTM versions. May be enhanced, debugged, altered. ============================================================================ XSP.BTM : Set Prompt. This is based on Mike Bessy of JP Software's SETPROMP.BTM. XSP gives you access to 13 different, highly informative prompts by choosing from menu / command line parameters. The ultimate megaprompt btm! XTOUCH.BTM : A utility to change the date and time stamps of files. There was a heated discussion in Compuserve's 4DOS forum over the proposal to add this function as an internal 4DOS command. While we are waiting for that implementation, here is an external one. Rewritten! XBOOTEX.BTM : Versatile manager of programs / batches you want to run only once every day at first boot. Unlimited progs, selectable interval, selectable ask before execution. Run CHKDSK every day, a virus scan once a week, defrag once a month if you have the time? Then XBOOTEX is the btm for you. XCORTIME.BTM Correct Time utility. This is the btm way to automatically adjust your system clock, if it is off by a regular amount of seconds every day. Even handles necessary date changes. Install XCORTIME with XBOOTEX and get your clock to run with accuracy of 1 second a week. XCD.BTM : is a Change Directory utility with a lot of features. You can change to any directory on all your drives by giving no or only part of the name of the target dir. If more than one match is found, you can choose from a menu. XCD senses if a directory is new or deleted and updates the database. XAD.BTM : is an Administrator for "screen savers" (After Dawn!). It provides a random generator for (up to now) four examples of "screen savers" (not blankers!) named XBL1 ... XBL7.BTM Naturally these are not TSR`s and don`t stop until you hit any key. XPATH.BTM : is a utility to add dir names to your path. XDDEL.BTM : Directory Delete with as much safety as possible (for me). Dir entries are shown before you decide to delete. Protects against wrong input, boot drive deletion etc. XPNG.BTM : Prune and Graft tree limbs from a nd to your directory tree. See what you'll do before it's done. XDREN.BTM : Rename a directory. XND.BTM : Multiple new Directories (and subdirs!) at one go! XFA.BTM : File Attribute change with the help of SELECT. Shows only files with matching attribute. Only 1 attribute at a time. XFMT.BTM : User interface for FORMAT.COM. Format diskette(s) with a friendly interface, all imaginable safeguards. Rewritten! XDC.BTM : Disk Copy utility with copy across different formats, sys- tem files recognition, label. Formats or clears target disk automatically (after confirmation by user). XER.BTM : shows last internal, external , DOS and programm errors with an explanation where possible. Very useful when writing batch files, especially in conjunction with XSP 7. XFF.BTM : File Find utility. Searches all your hard disks for a match for the given filespec. Shows matches in list with option to change to that dir. XLIST.BTM : is a directory and file lister with not quite as much fea- tures as V. Buerg's LIST.COM. Decides automatically between text and hex listing for some files (configurable). Lets you decide to return to home or current dir on ESC. XSC.BTM : Set your coloured prompt and screen foreground / background with menu, example screen. XSET.BTM : Edit existing aliases / environment variables. Picklist to choose from matching specs. New user interface. XSI.BTM : System Info making the most of 4DOS variables. XUZ.BTM : Unzipper for downloads from mailbox. XZIP.BTM : Zipper for uploads to mailboxes. XRT.BTM : This is a Reaction Timer meant as a game to show the power of 4DOS to your friends on parties. XBESAFE.BTM : Safely store the critical WINDOWS files and NDW files in a self-extracting archive for easy restoration. If you ever experienced the General Protection Fault caused by corrupted NDW groups this one is for you. XDAILY.BTM : Programm execution only once daily at boot. Slightly adapted for 4XBTM from ONCEADAY.BTM as distributed by JP Software with 4DOS. XTS.BTM : Text Search utility. Very useful! You can enter any text and a filespec and XTS will find that text in those files, show you where (file name, line number) it is found and lets you list it. To get even more out of XTS, you can change from 4DOS internal LIST to LIST.COM from V. Buerg and then you can directly edit, copy or delete those files. XDSKCAT.BTM : Disk Catalogue Utility. You can catalogue your floppy disks, look for filenames, list disks, look for free space on disks etc. It is menudriven and should explain itself. XDEREM.BTM : Delete remarks, leading blanks and empty lines from a batch and use BATCOMP on it. For those of you who like to spend a few minutes to save microseconds. XFS.BTM : File Size Utility: modelled after P. Norton's FS, it shows you the total size of selected files. While you do not get info about the slack area of each file, you get intermediate sums, and you can (4DOS)select files that are not covered by wildcards. See XDSIZE, too, for directory size. XCLEAN.BTM : Clean your drives of zero-length files and unwanted backups and / or temp files. User-configurable. XTEL.BTM : A phone number dialler. Look up your contacts with a search string and let XTEL dial their number. XXTEL.BTM : More elaborate phone number dialler. Works interactively, reports BUSY line etc. May not work with every modem. XPURGE.BTM : Delete your files safely. With XPURGE purged files are moved to a hidden directory (\XPURGE on your boot drive) and stored until you decide to clean them out. XUNPURGE.BTM: Restore XPURGEd files to current or original home dir. Clean \XPURGE directory. Menudriven. XDOUBLE.BTM : Utility to find duplicate files (doubles) across your drive(s) with info about age and a reasonable guess as to what they are. XFFD.BTM : Find Files by Date range and go to directory of found files. XFFS.BTM : Find Files by Size range and go to directory of found files. XFFDESC.BTM : Find Files by Description and go to directory. XPW.BTM : Password utility. Enter your correct password or stop your system. May deter a not very sophisticated attempt to get at your data. XWIPE.BTM : Utility to wipe the info in a file before deleting it. CAUTION: Recovering the information of a wiped file is NOT possible! XDSIZE.BTM : Directory Size utility. Sizes and percentages of disk use for selected directories. XIN.BTM : CD to FIRST subdir. Dir navigation in conjunction with XOVER.BTM XOVER.BTM : CD to NEXT subdir. Dir navigation in conjunction with XFREN.BTM : Multiple File REName utility with the help of SELECT. XDSKFILL.BTM: XDSKFILL creates an empty file on the disk of your choice named XDUMMY.DAT. This file can be any size, default is all of remaining disk space. As only 1 byte is really written to the file, you can view, edit and save textual information of deleted files in the former slack space. With XWIPE you can then erase all information in XDUMMY.DAT for security reasons. XDN.BTM : Directory Navigation by cursor and enter keys. Really only a stripped down XLIST.BTM, but there seems to be an endless demand for different directory navigation utilities. XDOSDEV.BTM : DOS DEVice segment adress display with DIR command! One of the quirks of all DOS versions is that if you issue a DIR command with a device name like CON or LPT1, the device name will be displayed with a filesize that in reality is the decimal form of the (hexadecimal) segment adress. XCOPYD.BTM : XCOPY to diskette with prompt for new diskette, so you do not have to remember which files are already copied. XBL1.BTM : Screen savers for XAD.BTM XBL2.BTM : XBL3.BTM : XBL4.BTM : XBL5.BTM : ======================================================================== 4XBTM is FREEWARE donated to the public domain to further the attractivity of 4DOS, collect useful btms/aliases in one place and give examples of useful btm routines. Load down and enjoy!